
Looking for a way to naturally improve your child’s health? Check out this non-invasive, Japanese style, pediatric acupuncture that focuses on massage. This technique gently stimulates & fortifies your child’s immune system. The tools used keep your child curious & excited for their next session!

Shonishin is an amazing introduction to alternative therapies that teach children how to listen to their bodies. This powerful, unique therapy helps improve sleep & inspires tranquility. It is a creative solution for parents wanting to empower their children to make healthier choices & encourages physical, mental, & emotional balance. Even though Shonishin is also referred to as pediatric acupuncture, the use of needles is not needed unless your child is comfortable with them. This wonderful Eastern medicine technique will best meet your child’s needs & comfort level at all times.

Unlike traditional acupuncture, Shonishin focuses on massage rather than needle insertion. The tools are made of stainless steel, gold, silver, & bronze. Making it relatable for kids, many of the tools even have names that resemble common things like a “bug,” or a “rake” which excites kids who may otherwise be timid. Shonishin techniques involve rhythmic plucking, stroking, & brushing of the skin. This provides different kinds of gentle stimulation to harmonize & fortify the child's vitality & strengthen their immune system.

Some common conditions treated are: teething, asthma, fever, diarrhea, enuresis, hyperactivity, eczema, ear infections, fatigue, night crying, lack of appetite, balancing emotions, & allergies.

During your visit, information is gathered about your child’s past medical history, emotional make-up, & how your child manifests stress. Next, an assessment is done based on traditional facial diagnosis, & palpation of the meridians along the body & abdomen. Last, your child gets to make all the funny faces; sticking their tongue out while an observation of the tongue is made. This examination will determine what kind of treatment your child will receive.

The first appointment ranges between 30-60 minutes. Follow up appointments are 15-30 minutes. Children have the ability to heal fast. You may see results quickly if the condition is acute. For chronic cases, it may take months of consistent treatment before there is a significant change.

Please have all children evaluated by their pediatrician first as Shonishin provides excellent complementary treatment to Western medicine. Children love the treatment & soon you’ll find them ready to give you one! Parents may learn how to continue the treatments at home too! Eastern medicine techniques require consistent treatments for the magic to happen. This system is built for long lasting results.