Cosmetic Acupuncture

Hello Gorgeous!

This is a friendly reminder that beauty manifests from the inside out & cosmetic acupuncture can help with enhancing your natural glow! It is for those seeking out a natural, non-surgical rejuvenation of the skin’s vibrancy. Here’s to truly being comfortable in your own skin!

The medicalization of beauty culture has us thinking looking old is a health issue, but really dreading becoming older is. “Anti-aging” is a construct designed to keep us consumed with insecurity & consuming products, while systematically breaking down self esteem & normalizing self harm.

We live in a society where fear & shame are pushed upon us for physically aging; thinking that the newest injectable or miracle ingredient will save us. Sadly, most products promoted speed up aging. Beauty culture is largely shaped by patriarchy, white supremacy, & capitalism. It falsely equates beauty with worth, & positions normal features as “flaws.”

Well-being > Appearance

Did you know that 85% of aging is actually from environmental exposures, not biological aging? Most “anti aging” regiments are aging you while encouraging obsession & stunting emotional & spiritual growth.

Cosmetic acupuncture is another way to help address your skin’s health, not skin’s aesthetic. “Youth” is best preserved when your skin’s barrier is protected & when your gut microbiome is healthy (this can also help with mood stabilization). Cosmetic acupuncture works by moving lymph, increasing circulation, & releasing tension held in the jaw & facial muscles. It treats the underlying imbalances from environmental exposures & harsh products that cause fast aging. Depending on your skin’s needs, treatment can be administered with gua sha, facial cupping, and/or jade rolling. It is a natural way to honor your maturing skin, gracefully.

For optimal & longer lasting results, a series of 10-12 sessions is highly recommended at two treatments per week. Maintenance sessions will be suggested depending on your skin’s type & overall well-being. Treatment courses can be done every 1-2 years.

While botox tries to keep your skin smooth by paralyzing the muscles, cosmetic acupuncture releases the face musculature & improves complexion by triggering micro trauma to the skin. This results in a reduction of wrinkles, tightening of the jowls, increasing blood flow production & stimulation of collagen & elastin. If you have gotten botox, you may still receive cosmetic acupuncture after 3 weeks of your healing.

Coming soon, cosmetic acupuncture sessions will be done with a low level red light therapy. This enhances cellular metabolism, accelerates the repair & replenishment of damaged skin cells, as well as stimulates the production of collagen. Light Emitting Diode (LED) may help smooth skin texture, improve skin’s resilience against environmental factors; all the while reducing pain, inflammation, wrinkles, & superficial hyper pigmentation.

Cosmetic acupuncture is not for patients with high blood pressure, pregnant women, or patients taking blood thinners.

Remember, aging is living. It’s the sugar, alcohol, caffeine, & unsustainable levels of stress that create inflammation in the body shown on the skin. As well as dehydration, impaired production of collagen, & other components of healthy skin that cause aging.

Our inherent human longing for beauty can only be satisfied when we, collectively, begin to understand beauty for what it really is: not a set of physical features, but an energy, a resource- a life force that’s in us and around us, everywhere, all the time, like oxygen.
— Jessica Defino